Dauner Aboot Thornhill
A community conversation about walking, wheeling and cycling.
We’re a group of local residents who set up the Thornhill Active Travel Group.
We recently ran a community conversation on how people get around the village and whether they would like to see changes to our transport infrastructure.
We were interested in ways we could make walking, wheeling (with a mobility scooter or wheelchair) and cycling easier and safer for people of all ages and wanted to know what others who live in and around Thornhill think about these issues.
We had funding from Sustrans to run this project over.
Local social enterprise Sleeping Giants also helped us with this work so that we could reach all the different groups in the community and help people make their voices heard.
What has happened so far?
We launched at the start of 2023, running a drop-in week in a shop in the centre of Thornhill (where Moniaive Chocolatiers were based until recently). We are now planning the next stages of the community conversation.
What are the next steps?
Over the next few months we will be contacting community groups in and around Thornhill to meet with them and let them have their say on getting around Thornhill and any changes they would like to see.
We will also be running a survey (online and pen and paper). We hope that as many people as possible who live in or regularly visit Thornhill fill it in.
Finally, we will be speaking to organisations or individuals who could be especially influential in any discussions on changes in the village, e.g. local landowners and the relevant public sector organisations.
How do I get in touch?
Join our mailing list by emailing travel@oldschoolthornhill.com requesting this
Updates will also be posted on Old School Thornhill’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/oldschoolthornhill/